Productivity Ninja Quick Fixes for Stress

Productivity Ninja Quick Fixes for Stress

Do you find yourself in stressful situations, but with no way to handle and deal with them effectively? Here at Think Productive North America, we hear you and completely UNDERSTAND! What better day to share our Productivity Ninja quick fixes – whether that be at work or at home – to deal with stress, than on National Relaxation Day. 


A change of environment changes your mood and look upon things, and walking can help you achieve exactly that. There are several different benefits to walking, but the top ones are that it helps to put your brain into a meditative state, which in turn reduces stress. In addition, it helps to give you a burst of energy, which sets you straight into the right mind frame.

Shower to release stress


Having a shower can be very relaxing and calming to the body, as it releases dopamine in our brains, which contributes to the feeling of pleasure, making us feel less stressed. As a result, it has been said that it helps with creativity and generating ideas. Go on and take the plunge, as it does you more good than previously thought.


This may seem quite trivial, but having the right diet and food can help with your productivity and handling life altogether. It is the foundation for your well-being and survival, and what you eat affects how you respond to tasks. Hydration is just as important as the right diet, so make sure you drink enough throughout your day to reduce stress levels.

Talking it Out

As social beings, nothing helps more when it comes to dealing with our stresses than venting it out to a listening ear. Saying your problems out loud can help with the situation, whether that is one you have at home or at work. It is good to acknowledge it, address it, and then move on from it and not look back. Give it a chance to be removed from your mind, even if it is as simple as talking to someone else about it.

Cup of tea on a stressful day


Perhaps the biggest thing that the Brits are known for, is their love for a nice cup of tea. In times of crisis, what do they do? Keep calm and brew on (with a cup of tea of course!) Therefore, when stress gets too much, remove yourself from your work or task at home, and make yourself some tea. Take time to drink it and allow the warmth to soothe your body. A tea break is sometimes all you need to feel rejuvenated. Here in Canada tea is perhaps less popular, but try a soothing Camomile tea to help ease the burdens.

What are your quick fixes on a stressful day? Share them with us @thinkproductivecanada

By Rosie To 

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