Meet our productivity experts

Here to change the world.



Barbara Green


As the co-owner of Think Productive North America, I get the opportunity to work with and learn from the incredibly talented Ninjas located around the globe and help bring their knowledge and expertise to our clients.

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Richard Green

richard cfo
CFO and Co-Founder

As co-owner of Think Productive North America I get to apply my skills to bring a fun new approach to productivity to customers across the United States and Canada.

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Jim Poole

Director and CIO

Jim is a highly experienced IT Professional based in Novi MI, and is the owner and founder of The Net Resource

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Dawn O’Connor

dawn master
Senior Productivity Ninja

As Senior Productivity Ninja I’m incredibly passionate when it comes to productivity, time management and helping clients experience their own “ah ha” moments.

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Nick Aiello

How I Stay Productive_Nick Aiello
Senior Productivity Ninja

As a Productivity Ninja, I improve the quality of your work at the office, so you can increase your quantity of time outside of it. Time is our most precious commodity and we should respect it as such.

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Frank Generoso

Productivity Ninja

I have always enjoyed helping others to better their lives. Whether it is a large business setting or a smaller group of participants, equipping people to be their best and achieve more is extremely satisfying.

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Marie-Geneviève Latour

Productivity Ninja

Marie-Geneviève possède une expertise en gestion des opérations et en analyse du comportement. Elle est également professeure de yoga et de pleine conscience et transforme l'apprentissage en une expérience dynamique stimulante et inspirante.

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Lindsay Recknell

Productivity Ninja

Meet Lindsay Recknell: Productivity Ninja, mental health cheerleader, and powerhouse in women's business circles. She delivers dynamic training that turns 'aha' moments into peak performance!

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Frederick Audet

Productivity Ninja

Frédérick a maintes fois prouvé ses habiletés en communication, leadership et coaching. Il est le propriétaire de Learn Square, une compagnie qui a à cœur les gens, l'apprentissage et la croissance personnelle et professionnelle

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Claudia Piereck da Cunha

Productivity Ninja

Claudia Ă© uma consultora, facilitadora e coach de lĂ­deres e times apaixonada pelo que faz. Ela ama inspirar e engajar pessoas e equipes a aprender e a crescer criando um ambiente de aprendizagem positivo e inspirador.

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