Packed Schedule? 6 Ways to Fit Exercise Around Work Life

Packed Schedule? 6 Ways to Fit Exercise Around Your Work Life

Those who have a full-time job understand the trouble of fitting everything into a busy schedule. As we often discuss in our time management training, 24-hours doesn’t always seem long enough to fit everything into. After a long day at work, all we want to do is slip into our favourite pyjamas and relax. Many of us would admit that exercise is crucial to our overall physical and mental wellbeing. But we struggle to fit exercise around work life. Lots of us make the mistake of exercising to change the way we look. While this is a huge benefit, we should also consider how it makes us feel and how it influences other parts of our lives, for example, our productivity. 

Productivity Ninja Exercise

1. Start Easy 

Rushing into things too fast is a common mistake which most of us make. We take on too much, get overwhelmed, then feel unmotivated to continue. It can be a huge shock for our bodies when you go from being mostly inactive to working out regularly. As you start your fitness journey, ensure you begin with baby steps. This way, you’re gradually adjusting to a new lifestyle.

2. Find a Fitness Buddy 

In our Time Management Workshops, we often recommend to find a partner for weekly reviews, so you can keep each other accountable. Similarly with exercising, there’s nothing better than having someone to work out with, someone who can motivate you and chances are on days when you don’t feel like working out, your exercise buddy will be able to give you the needed nudge. Especially if you are new to a company and want to make more friends, it can be quite easy to find someone to go on a 30-minute jog with over lunch or someone to hit the gym with after work. The more social exercising becomes, the more likely people are to continue.

Find a Fitness Buddy

3. Replace Inactivity with Activity 

If you can’t go to the gym, let the gym come to you. By having an office dance party once a week, everyone is brought together, socializing and reaping the benefits of exercise. If your company offers a wellness program, take advantage of it. A wellness program consists of corporate events and workshops which support an employees’ physical, emotional and mental needs. Also, try to substitute your work commute with more physical activities like walking and biking – even if it’s just one day a week!

4. Keep Track of Your Activity Levels 

A 2021 Survey by HeyTony Advertising  found that the average Canadian spends over 4.4 hours a day on their phone. This time could be implemented into something more beneficial, like exercising. If you’re a gadget lover, invest in a smartwatch. By tracking the number of steps you take or the calories you burn, it’s a great eye-opener and the kick you need to keep fit. If you don’t want to make any new purchases, consider downloading a free fitness app on your phone. These normally come with a feature which allows you to not only track your activity but set goals, which is a fantastic incentive to keep fit.

Technology and Mental Health

5. Fit Exercise around Work Life

For those confined to a desk at work, it’s essential to introduce a fitness regime into your life. According to one survey, it was discovered that sitting for more than 4 hours each day could lead to health risks such as increased blood pressure levels, disrupted blood sugar levels and failure of leg muscles. Experiment with a few exercises, using your office to get you moving when you’re feeling stiff. These can range from desk squats to shoulder shrugs.

6. Book a Gym Class and Stick to It 

Booking a Zumba class or a Cardio lesson should be treated like an appointment and noted down on your calendar or diary. Having something to look forward to for the end of the day gives you a mental push and can also help you to leave the office on time.

Starting an exercise routine can be challenging, but we’ve outlines 6 ways to start you off, so don’t push it to tomorrow, but set out a plan right here, right now! You can share your goals and commitments with us in the comments below or over @ThinkProdCanada

By Laura Bourne
Laura works as Content Marketing Assistant for Joblogic, a leading provider of service management software. Laura enjoys writing for business audiences and bringing them advice about the latest trends and news.

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