Our workshops
and keynotes


Upending Productivity Thinking: The Guide to Human Not Superhero

Traditional productivity thinking focuses sharply on efficiency. Doing more for less, often to the detriment of our most human qualities. But what if we’ve been approaching productivity all wrong? What if, by prioritizing wellbeing, we can boost creativity, foster collaboration, and open ourselves to fresh opportunities? As Productivity Ninjas we take pride in being human and are pointedly never productivity superheros.

Redefining Good Work:

In this dynamic keynote, we’ll embark on a journey to redefine what “good work” truly means. We aim to unlock a brand of productivity that nurtures the human spirit, where wellbeing stands in the spotlight. Human not Superhero.

Discover the Human-Centric Approach:

Together, we’ll uncover insights and practical strategies that showcase how we, as humans, can excel in our roles. Dive deep into understanding how productivity can be a force for good – both for the individual and the collective.

Our Keynote

Unravel the root causes of work-related stress and equip yourself with robust strategies to mitigate them. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to collaboratively dive into critical areas of interest, be it team dynamics, organizational responses to mistakes, or fostering an environment of psychological safety.

 Who Should Attend?

If you’re a forward-thinker who understands the undeniable link between wellbeing and productivity, and you’re eager to intertwine wellbeing into your organizational culture seamlessly, then this keynote is tailored for you.

Ask Us About This Keynote




Life changing is how I would describe Think Productive’s methods


Be Inspired, Form Good Habits and Transform the Way You Work

Transform Your Efficiency: Follow the Way of the Productivity Ninja

Is your team drowning in distractions? Grappling with a fast-paced business landscape? Striving to balance productivity with well-being? If these challenges resonate, it’s time to transform their approach. Remember, the way to zen-like calm in the workplace is the Way of the Productivity Ninja!

Break free from traditional time management. Harness the power of attention.

Our Unique Approach:

🌐 Mastery of Focus: Your teams most valuable asset isn’t time—it’s attention. Let’s unlock its potential.

🔍 Streamlined Task Management: Help the group navigate projects and priorities with unparalleled clarity and precision.

Habit Transformation: Make empowering choices and embed habits that drive success.

Embark on your Ninja Journey:

Productivity Ninjas are a unique blend of calm preparedness and ruthless efficiency. They confront and conquer the myriad challenges to productivity and well-being with finesse. During our course, we’ll unravel the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja and equip your team with actionable strategies for immediate implementation. And we’ll have fun in the process.

Ready to unleash the energy within your group? Begin your transformation with us.

Book the Course & Master Efficiency

Genuinely the best training course I've been on - that's coming from a massive training sceptic.

Andy Nakoneczyj - Wateraid

unlock emotional intelligence


Grow Team Dynamics by Unlocking Emotional Intelligence

The magic touch to transform teams from simply coping to genuinely thriving? Unlocking Emotional Intelligence. Is your team equipped with technical skills but sometimes falters in reaching its full potential?

The key to tapping into an invigorated, inspired, and triumphant team often lies in mastering the art of navigating emotions that could hamper progress.

In our transformative masterclass:

🧠 Gauge & Grow: Reflect upon your Emotional Intelligence quotient and gain insights into your peers’. Dive deep into an illuminative framework, unveiling the reasons behind behaviors and, if necessary, the pathways to reshape them.

🌱 Cultivate Core Skills: Fortify your emotional awareness, hone self-management, and amplify social prowess. Witness as workplace relationships become more harmonious and fulfilling for all stakeholders.

Ready to transcend traditional team dynamics?

Forge ahead and let Unlocking Emotional Intelligence be the catalyst to boost your team’s synergy and success.

Book Your Team Now


Growth through Struggle: A New Perspective on Growth and Resilience”

In today’s fast-paced world, marked by quick fixes and curated perfection, struggle often gets a bad reputation. We view it as an error, a blip in our otherwise smooth journey. But what if we’ve been viewing it all wrong? This inspirational keynote, which can be personally delivered by the author, turns things on their head and seeks growth through struggle..

Redefining Struggle:

We draw inspiration from Grace Marshall’s enlightening book, ‘Struggle: The Surprising Truth, Beauty, and Opportunity Hidden in Life’s More Challenging Moments’. And this keynotes proposes a radical idea – Struggle isn’t a sign of failure; it’s a catalyst for growth.

The True Nature of Challenge:

It’s not about romanticizing difficulty. It’s about understanding its role in our lives. Our perception of struggle might be our greatest hurdle, but it’s also our most rewarding opportunity.

From Struggle to Strength:

Navigate challenges with newfound confidence. Recognize your potential to foster resilience, solidify relationships, spark innovation, and drive personal and collective advancement.

Together, let’s transform our perspectives and seek a path to growth through struggle. This keynote, from an experienced and entertaining speaker, challenges us to redefine struggles, empower ourselves, and craft a brighter, bolder future.

Let’s Talk About It


Coaching to Empower: Ignite Performance & Build Trust

In today’s dynamic work environment, how do you turn good into great? It won’t happen by accident, but it’s not just about instructing; it’s about actively and deliberately coaching to empower.

What is in Coaching to Empower:

During this half-day workshop, you’ll learn how to harness your unique coaching style to create a culture of high performance, trust, and safety within your team. You’ll discover how to increase responsibility, self-awareness and self-belief in your people.

🎯  Harness your style to foster high performance, trust, and a safety net within your team.

💪  Amplify responsibility, self-awareness, and belief in your team, striking a harmonious blend of nurturing and challenging, while enhancing your listening and probing prowess.

🛠 Come away with an actionable blueprint for continued growth in your coaching capabilities, unlocking avenues for your team’s best potential.

Keen to find out more?

Get In Touch Now

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Giving Feedback we need to talk


Giving and Receiving Feedback: We Need to Talk 💬

Ever cringed at the phrase, “We Need to Talk”? Or recoiled from a stinging feedback memory? You’re in good company – the realm of feedback can be a minefield for many! But what if we told you feedback could be a golden opportunity? A chance to cultivate growth, both in others and yourself.

Dive into “We Need to Talk” and Discover:

🌱 Feedback as Growth Potential : Reframe your perception and see giving and receiving feedback as a real opportunity to improve your team’s ability, your personal productivity and your leaderships skills

💡 Graceful Giving & Gracious Getting: Learn to convey feedback that’s truthful, kind, timely, behaviour-centric, relevant, and actionable. Plus, grasp the elegance of accepting feedback without the flinch!

🛡 Forge Psychological Safety: While emotions of others aren’t within your control, your intention and method can foster a haven of trust and understanding.

The giving and receiving of feedback is the foundation for kindful leadership – you can only lead with empathy and respect if you are engaged in active listening and truthful dialogue. It is a critical skill for managers and leaders, and one which is essential to learn.

Ready to transform feedback into a harmonious dialogue?

Start the Journey




“Unleashing Energy Through Nutrition: A Transformative Keynote”

Graham Allcott or Colleen Heneghan

While most of us are aware of the power of a balanced meal, the hectic pace of our daily lives often pushes nutrition to the background. Frequently, the food we consume becomes an afterthought, pushed to the end of our to-do list. The mystery of how nutrition impacts our energy remains unsolved for many.

Discover the Power of Nutritional Choices:

Imagine if our daily meals didn’t just sustain us, but actively enhanced our productivity. Envision a world where your diet turbocharges your focus, shields you from the infamous 3pm fatigue, and reconfigures your entire day. What if a simple transformation in your diet can change the course of your workday?

Choose to Energize:

The power lies in our hands. Each meal, each snack, every beverage choice is an opportunity. When deliberate nutrition choices become a routine, that’s when the magic begins. It’s not just about WHAT to consume, but discerning WHEN and, most critically, mastering HOW.

The Keynote:

Join Graham or Colleen for a game-changing keynote where they demystify nutrition, offering you clear, actionable insights. They’ll walk you through instant strategies, key habits, and practices to always choose energy – regardless of your day’s agenda, your culinary prowess, or your pantry’s contents.

Our Special Collaboration:

For this keynote, we have been thrilled to collaborate with Optimum Living. Its founder, Colette Heneghan, co-wrote the insightful “How to Have the Energy” alongside Think Productive’s very own Graham Allcott. Dive deep into the synergy of productivity and nutrition with either Graham Allcott or Colleen Hennigan at the helm.

Be ready to revolutionize your plate, your energy, and your life! Join us for this not-to-be-missed keynote!

Book for Your Audience Now!

Help Your Team Learn to Enjoy Presenting

Love Your Inner Presenter: Embrace Authenticity & Confidence 🎤💼

Does your team struggle to tell its story? Could you collectively make more impact if your group came across with authority and purpose? Help your team to find the confidence to face public speaking without that thought sending  jitters down their spine.

The Journey Starts Within: Celebrate Your Strengths

Our workshop Love Your Inner Presenter” begins by spotlighting  inherent presenting strengths. Whether it’s meticulous attention to detail, genuine charisma, or even flair for fabulous footwear, it’s all about recognizing and celebrating everyone’s strengths.

🌱 Discover Your ‘Growing Edges’: With your team strengths as our foundation, we delve into areas ripe for growth. Desiring to engage more effectively with your audience? Wanting to exude more confidence? We’re here to guide.

🎥 Experience & Practice: This isn’t just theory. Engage in hands-on experiences, and leave with a tangible video of your presentation prowess.

📈 Stretch & Grow: Whatever your aspirations or experience level, this workshop promises to challenge and equip you all, fostering genuine confidence and empowering you to present with genuine charisma and clarity.

Who Is This For?

For visionaries eager to persuade, influence, and inspire – from rallying a team for a new initiative, pitching groundbreaking proposals, to captivating customers with a transformative product.

Ready to elevate your team’s presentation game so they can genuinely embrace their inner orator? Step into the limelight with us.

Book Your Group Now

we have 5 star average customer reviews on Google
graham allcott headshot


Graham Allcott and Think Productive

Graham Allcott is the founder of Think Productive, now a global productivity training company.  This is your opportunity to book a keynote by Graham Allcott, best-selling author of “How to be a Productivity Ninja” and renowned productivity expert , for  your conference or corporate event.

Why Choose Graham Allcott?

  • Unparalleled Expertise: As the mind behind Think Productive, Graham steers a leading global productivity training company that has redefined the terminology of time management. He has the experience of countless appearances in the media, conferences and special events.
  • Endorsed by the Best: Think Productive are trusted partners for top global companies, government organizations, and charities, large and small alike.
  • Best-selling Author: With influential titles like “How to be a Productivity Ninja”, “How to Have the Energy”, and “How to Fix Meetings”, Graham’s written works have transformed countless lives.
  • Charismatic Speaker: Graham doesn’t just write about productivity; he walks the talk.  He captivates audiences with his ground-breaking insights, humour and personable style.


Graham’s transition from charity chief executive to freelance consultant inspired him to set up Think Productive. With a mission to revolutionize stuffy time management courses, Think Productive launched in April 2009. We deliver our unique in-house time management training workshops, leadership programs and inspiring keynotes across the globe. We have garnered rave reviews and loyal clients worldwide, and Graham has delivered keynotes on every continent.

Connect for a Conversation to  plan your keynote by Graham Allcott

Graham's approaches to time and attention management takes cover the demands of both work life and home life so great for helping with work/life balance too. Really different to anything like this that I have ever done before- I would definitely recommend (and already have!)

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